Nursery school Chichibon

Chichibon village has about 900 inhabitants. There is a primary school and a Junior High School with approximately 270 pupils. The local nursery school is in a very bad state of repair. One of the two classrooms already collapsed, the other one is ailing and the ramshackle roof does not protect from the rain anymore. In case of rain, classes have to be dismissed. The school supplies could not be stored, there were no furniture.

The children had to sit on the bare ground, so a new nursery school was sorely needed.
Thanks to the generous donation of the Fischer family, we were able to
begin the construction of a new nursery school in January 2018, and by the
end of April 2018 it will be completed.

Status: completed
Costs: 26,000 EURO

The project area in Chichibon

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