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Education is the key to a self-determined and independent life. It goes without saying that our children attend school and get an education.

In Ghana, sending a child to school comes with great financial expenditures for the parents and the family. Most people cannot afford to send their children to school. They cannot afford to pay for the school fee, for the books, or the school uniform which is required in Ghana.

That is why many children reach out to us and ask for our help. Madamfo Ghana helps people to help themselves in this case, because a solid education is the foundation for whatever professional career the children want to pursue.

You can find information about our school desks here.

Locations of the projects

Year of the projects

Projects on the topic: Education

Dzilakorpe MA Primary School and WaSH-Project

A new school on a remote island in Lake Volta will provide children with access to education, helping to curb the widespread child trafficking there.

Berekum SDA Basic School – School Construction and WaSH-Project

Die neue Berekum Grundschule bietet den Schülern eine angenehme und moderne Lernatmosphäre. Durch sauberes Trinkwasser und hygienische Toiletten werden Krankheiten reduziert und Fehlzeiten verringert.


Many schools do not have enough school-desks for their children. Therefore the students sit or lie on the floor during lessons. This affects the concentration, the handwriting and also the health of the children.

Incarnate Word Preparatory School – School & WaSH Project

Mantukwa Primary School is in poor condition and has insufficient space for all the students in the village.

Reconstruction of the primary school

The village of Brodi is located in the Tain District in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. It is about 35 kilometers from Nsawkaw, the district’s capital, and the population of Brodi is about 13,000 people.

Ewusiejoe M/A Girls Junior High School WaSH Project

Girls' education is still not a high priority in many African countries. A large part of the population believes that girls should only be prepared for marriage. This often leads to school dropouts and teenage pregnancies.

No Screen Time

NO SCREEN TIME will enable 1,100 students to receive hands-on instruction on a PC and thus significantly improve their career opportunities. Please support our 2021 Christmas fundraiser! Thank you very much.

Elementary School Abease

Abease is located in the Prang District, in the Bono East Region of Ghana and is a community of about 6.340 inhabitants. The main occupation is farming. The illiteracy rate in this district is far above the national average. This is due to the lack of school infrastructure, non-existent water supply and sanitation and a lack of teaching materials.

School complex at Lake Bosomtwi

The key to a self-determined life: EDUCATION. Construction of a multifunctional, school complex for several villages at Lake Bosomtwi.

Kindergarten for Morle

Morle is an agricultural community in the Jaman North District in the Bono Region of Ghana. More than 100 children currently attend the local kindergarten, which is connected to the Morle Presby School.

Primary school in Dame Nkwanta

The literacy rate in Pru District is far below the national average. Through the donation of the Fly&Help Foundation we are going to build a Primary School with an inclusive WaSH Project.

Primary School in Ampaha

A primary school for Ampaha will give 500 children a future and strengthen the girls!

Banda Ahenkro Kindergarten

Ahenkro Presby Primary School is in the village. The school, especially the attached kindergarten, is in a very poor condition.

Nursery School Kabile

The children have to learn in part in the crowded building or outdoors.

Tichelli Education

Tichalle is located about five kilometres away from Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana. There is a nursery school and a primary school with 230 pupils.

Attakrom Nursery School and Primary School

The village of Attakrom is located in Tain District in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. Probably 1,300 people live in the village and its surroundings. The inhabitants are mostly farmers.

Nursery school Chichibon

Chichibon village has about 900 inhabitants. There is a primary school and a Junior High School with approximately 270 pupils.

Nursery school Dannso

Construction of a nursery school in the project area Bosome Freho District, close to Lake Bosumtwi.

Sports ground in Brodi

We were able to build a multi-purpose sports ground for approximately 12,000 children and teenagers in and around Brodi area, with locker rooms, offices, and sanitary installations.

Nursery school in Brahoho

Brahoho is a village with 2,200 inhabitants in Nkoranza District, about 12 kilometres south of the city of Nkoranza in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana.

Library in Duadaso

Construction of a library in the village Dusdssdo, Brong Ahafo Region.

Teacher Quarters at Lake Bosomtwi

The villages of Apewu, Banso and Detiaso are located on the shores of Lake Bosomtwi. Each of the three villages has a kindergarten and a primary school, which Madamfo Ghana built, partly in cooperation with the Ghanaian government. There is also a Junior High School in Apewu. In total, about 700 pupils live there.

Nursery school in Detiaso

Detasio is a village with about 200 inhabitants in Bosome Freho District in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, about 30 kilometres away from the region’s capital Kumasi. The main source of income for the villagers is small scale agriculture.