School complex at Lake Bosomtwi

Background and challenge

The key to a self-determined life: EDUCATION.
Construction of a multifunctional, school complex for several villages at Lake Bosomtwi.

The region around Lake Bosomtwi is called “Lakeside“ and it is situated in the Ashanti Region, between Bosomtwe and the Bosome Freho District. Madamfo Ghana has been active in this region for more than 20 years now, and has already realized plenty of projects to improve the livelihoods of the people living there.

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The villages around Lake Bosomtwi are difficult of access because of their geographical location. Infrastructure, such as schools and hospitals, is hardly there. The children are taught outside, which is the source of many problems: the children are easily distracted, and they can’t go to school when it rains – which in turn leads to a bad school performance.

The lack of proper toilet facilities is a huge problem, especially for the girls. Since they cannot have any privacy for their monthly hygiene, they stay away from school during that time of the month. The results are a high drop-out rate and teenage-pregnancies, which in turn lead to a low living standard.

Time and again children are bitten by snakes, which scares many children so much, that they stopped going to school.

We want to change that situation on the long term and sustainably, to give the children an opportunity for education – and thus for a self-determined life.

Our project plan

School education: Access to primary and secondary education, including ICT education

Health care:

  1. Use of the facilities for the education of mothers/families within the context of awareness campaigns (malaria prevention, measures against infant-, child- and maternal mortality etc., cooperation with local health centres)
  2. Implementation of the WaSH Project

Prevention of teenage pregnancies

More than 1,000 girls and boys between 1–16 years and their families will benefit from the following facilities:

  • ICT Centre in Apewu
  • Nursery school with integrated water supply and WaSh Project in Essase
  • Junior High School with integrated water supply and WaSH Project in Morontuo

Status: completed

Patron: Mr. Richard Hartema, Leer – Germany

Costs: 150,000 €

Ghana News Lakeside Education


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