Elementary school Abease


Abease is located in the Prang District, in the Bono East Region of Ghana and is a community of about 6.340 inhabitants. The main occupation is farming. The illiteracy rate in this district is far above the national average. This is due to the lack of school infrastructure, non-existent water supply and sanitation and a lack of teaching materials.

Problem description

The SDA Basic School of Abease, with currently 200 students aged 6 to 12 years and 10 teachers, is particularly affected. The school building is dilapidated and in danger of collapsing, so that lessons are mostly held outside.

Especially for the girls the lack of toilet facilities is a big problem. As they have no privacy for their monthly hygiene, they do not come to school during this time. These conditions lead to a high number of school drop-outs. Teenage pregnancies and thus a low standard of living are often the result.

Project proposal

With the construction of a new school building, with fully equipped 6 classrooms, teachers’ room, office and storage room, a mechanized water supply and a toilet building, we want to end the unsustainable conditions and create an appropriate and humane learning environment for students and teachers.

Through the construction of a new school building, a mechanized water supply and a toilet facility:

  • all pupils of school age have access to education
  • students and teachers have access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation and hand washing facilities
  • water-related diseases are reduced due to the improved hygiene conditions
  • enables students to go to school regularly and on time, thereby improving their performance
  • there will be promotion and training in hygiene
  • it is made possible for girls to attend school, even during their menstruation

Status: completed; sponsor: Reiner Meutsch Stiftung FLY & HELP
Costs: approx. 100.000€