Okutokrom Water Project

Okutokrum is located in Mfantseman District, Central Region of Ghana, about 12kilometres away from Biriwa.
Its approximately 650 inhabitants are mostly are farmers. They mainly grow manioc (also known as cassava, a tuber vegetable), cocoyam (leafy greens), maize, plantain, pepper and other vegetables. Breeding cattle and poultry for captive use is also a part of the farming activities.

There is a primary school with approximately 110 pupils. Some of them have to walk to surrounding villages to be able to attend school.

There used to be a small well in the village, but it collapsed a couple of years ago. Therfor the villagers have to fetch ware from a river nearby. But, if the river doesn’t carry water during dry season, the people have to walk several kilometres and search for water – that search for water often keeps the children from going to school.

Status: in planning
Costs: ca. 10,600 EURO

The project area in Mfantseman District

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