A borehole for the village Adjei Akuraa

Adjei Akurra is a village of 215 inhabitants in the Tain District in the Bono Region. The main sources of community income are agriculture and local retail trade.

The village, as well as 3 other neighbouring villages do not have access to clean drinking water. This currently affects almost 500 people, half of whom are children under 12 years of age.

The inhabitants fetch their water from a pond and in the dry season even from remaining water holes, from which the animals also drink. The risk of dangerous diarrhoea due to the contaminated water is high. For the weak, the elderly and children, such diseases often lead to death.

A borehole with a manual hand pump ensures the water supply for the people from all 4 villages.

Status: completed
Costs: approx. 5.000,00 €

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Location of the project

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