Banda District Water Project

Project background

The Banda District is located in the Bono Region of Ghana. There’s no sufficient access to clean drinking water. Some communities had a well, but it’s not sufficient, due to the large population.

Long queues were the result, conflicts and even fisticuffs. Students came to school late or not at all. Many inhabitants had to draw their water from polluted streams or rivers, or even stagnant water, which can lead to serious water-related diseases.

Project description

Construction of 5 boreholes with hand pumps for the villages:

  • Sabiye (6,000 inhabitants) – 2 new boreholes
  • Bofie (3,000 inhabitants) – 1 new borehole
  • Wewa (4,000 inhabitants) – 1 new borehole

These communities had wells with hand pumps, but they’re not sufficient for the large population. Due to the fact that there’s no electricity supply in the villages, mechanisation of the existing boreholes (with storage tanks and standpipes) was not possible.

  • Yaw Donkorkrom – 1 new borehole

This village did not have a well before. The inhabitants fetched their water from a stream, which, however, dried up in the dry season.

  • Nyiekore (320 inhabitants)

This community was originally also planned for a well drilling, but due to the bad road conditions during the rainy season it was not accessible at that time. The well construction will be made up for in January 2022.

Project goals

  •  Access to clean drinking water for the above-mentioned communities
  • Improvement of the health status of the population through better hygiene and prevention of water-borne diseases.
  • Improvement of the educational standard. Pupils no longer have to search for water in the morning and can come to class on time. In addition, absenteeism due to water-related diseases is reduced.

Status: completed
Costs: € 27.300

Location of the project

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