Onwe water project

Onwe is a village located in Bosomtwe District which lies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, about 20 kilometres from the region’s capital Kumasi.

The majority of the 900 inhabitants of the municipality are farmers. They mainly grow manioc (also known as cassava, a tuber vegetable), cocoyam (leafy greens), maize, plantain, pepper and other vegetables. Breeding cattle and poultry for captive use is also a part of the farming activities.

There is a nursery school, a primary school, and a Junior High School with a total of about 270 pupils at the age of 2 – 18 years.

There was only one waterhole for the entire village. People constantly competed for the water Large queues of people waiting to fetch water caused too much pressure on the waterhole and it collapsed often.

That situation had negative impact on the pupils. They came to class late and performed badly in exams. Every time the waterhole collapsed, the pupils had to fetch and drink water from a nearby creek, which was very unhygienic and unsafe.

Status: completed
Costs: 9,500 EURO

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