Clinic for Praprababida

Project background

Praprababida is located in the Upper East District, in the Central Region of Ghana. A total of about 2,500 people live there. Most of the inhabitants farm for their own needs. There is almost no infrastructure, no road network. In 2021, we built a mechanized well there and were able to at least give people access to clean drinking water.

The nearest medical facility is about 15 km away. This is an unmanageable distance for pregnant women and small children, which is why they only go to the clinic when they are already seriously ill.

Of course, this also has an impact on maternal and child mortality, which is high in this region. In addition, there are many teenage pregnancies due to the lack of qualified counselling on family planning.

The main causes of death in the district around Praprababida are malaria, meningitis, hypertension, bronchitis, respiratory infections and neonatal infections.

Therefore, we would like to build an outreach clinic for maternal and child health there to counteract the high maternal and child mortality.

Project description

  • Construction of an outreach clinic for maternal and child health (RCH), with delivery room
  • Implementation of preventive activities through information campaigns, education and communication

Status: in planning
Costs: approx. 32,500€

Please support us to implement this important project. Click here to go to the fundraising campaign >>

The project area:

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