Primary school in Dame Nkwanta

Enabling 500 children to have a self-determined future

Background and problem description

The town of Dama Nkwanta is located 25 km from the district capital of Prang and has about 5,200 inhabitants.

The literacy rate in Pru District is far below the national average. This is due to the lack of school infrastructure, non-existent water supply and sanitation, as well as a lack of teaching materials.

The children are taught outdoors and in temporary sheds. This leads to many problems. The children are distracted in class, they cannot go to school at all when it rains, which in turn leads to poor performance.

The project presented here will take a cautious approach and lead to a solution to the problems mentioned above.

The lack of toilet facilities is another major problem, especially for girls. As they have no privacy for their monthly hygiene, they do not come to school during this time. These conditions lead to a high number of school drop-outs. Teenage pregnancies and thus a low standard of living are often the result.

The project

With the construction of a new school building with fully equipped 6 classrooms, teachers’ room, office and storage room, a mechanised water supply and a toilet building we want to end the unsustainable conditions and create an appropriate learning environment for students and teachers.

By building a new school building, a mechanised water supply and a toilet facility:

  • all pupils of school age have access to education
  • pupils and teaching staff have access to clean drinking water, adequate sanitation and hand washing facilities
  • water-related diseases are reduced through improved hygiene conditions
  • enables pupils to go to school regularly and on time, thereby improving their performance
  • there will be promotion and training in the field of hygiene
  • the girls are enabled to attend school even during their menstruation

Status: in realisation
Sponsor: Fly&Help
Costs: approx. 60,000 €

Location of the project

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