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The prevention of diseases caused by contaminated water or low hygiene standards is an important, if not the most important factor, in achieving sustainable development.

Our WaSH projects – water, sanitation and hygiene – are therefore among the most important measures in the sustainable development of a village.

The WaSH concept rests on three basic pillars:

  • Pillars 1 and 2: combining the water supply and toilet facilities into one unit.
  • Pillar 3 consists of sensitisation and capacity building, as well as the participation of the target groups, at all levels.

Almost all people suffer from diseases caused by the dirty water, if a village does not have a borehole. Especially babies and children are exposed to a high risk. Diarrhoeal diseases, such as cholera, often lead to death among the undernourished and weakened children.

This is exactly where WaSH projects come in. The infrastructure creates the conditions to prevent outbreaks of disease. Sensitisation and education campaigns enable knowledge transfer, thus strengthening personal responsibility and achieving a multiplier-effect.

On the other hand, especially the girls are supported through the WaSH projects. This gives them the opportunity to go to school, even during their menstruation. If the school does not have a toilet facility, the girls stay away from school, because they have no possibility to change their hygiene products.

Before we start a project, we discuss the project with the villagers and their Council of Elders, jointly choose the borehole site, and elect a committee, which will be responsible for the maintenance of the project.

Traditionally, African women are responsible for fetching water and that is why the committee consists of the eldest women of the village. These women are involved in every step of the project, so they can get the knowledge necessary to maintain and repair the well autonomously. Another positive effect resulting from this approach: the women are then able to repair boreholes in other villages.

Locations of the projects

Year of the projects

Projects on the topic: WaSH

Nyameani School Water Project

The Nyameani Methodist School, with approximately 700 students, had no access to clean drinking water. As was often the case, students had to walk long distances in the morning before classes to collect water for the day.

Ntontom Water Project

In Ntontom, there was no well. The people sourced their water from a small stream.

Enuanomase Water Project

Until recently, the residents of Enuanomase had to fetch their drinking water from a well in the neighboring community, about 1 km away.

Ewusiejoe M/A Girls Junior High School WaSH Project

Girls' education is still not a high priority in many African countries. A large part of the population believes that girls should only be prepared for marriage. This often leads to school dropouts and teenage pregnancies.

Sanwa water project

Sanwa is a community of about 1.000 inhabitants, mainly inhabited by farmers. It is located in the Banda District in the Brong Ahafo region.

Dame Nkwanta School-WaSH Project

The town of Dama Nkwanta is located 25 km from the district capital of Prang and has about 5,200 inhabitants. The children are taught outdoors and in temporary sheds. This leads to many problems.

Brahoho School-WaSH Project

WaSH means: water, sanitation and hygiene. Access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation is of fundamental importance for the children in Brahoho.

Anhwieso Methodist School Wash Project

Kokofu Anhwiaso is a community of about 1,800 inhabitants, mainly inhabited by farmers. It is located in the Bosome Freho District in the Ashanti region.

Abease School WaSH Project

In schools, WaSH projects are an important element for positive changes, in the behaviour of children, with regard to hygiene. Only in this way diseases can be prevented, important hygiene measures learned and regular school attendance – for both boys and girls – be made possible.

Nkwanta Water project

Nkwanta is a settlement with 2,100 inhabitants in the Bosomtwe district, in the Ashanti region, 4 kilometers from the district capital Kuntenase. There is only one fountain in the village, which is not sufficient for all living people there. There are always long queues in front of the fountain, which means that students who have to fetch water for their families in the morning are to late for school.

Seikwa WaSH Projekt

Seika is a small town with approximately 12,000 inhabitants in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana, about 30 km from the district’s capital Nsawkaw.

Banda District Water Project

The Banda District is located in the Bono Region of Ghana. There is no sufficient access to clean drinking water. Some communities have a well, but it is not sufficient, due to the large population.

West Mamprusi District Water Project

The people in the West Mamprusi District live in extreme poverty. We want to help 16 communities, with almost 55,000 people, who do not have access to sufficient clean drinking water.

West Mamprusi Water Project – First 5 Wells

Den ersten 5 der 16 Dörfer im West Mamprusi Distrikt wird nun der Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser ermöglicht!

Nkwantapong water project

The village does not have his own borehole. Women and children have to get up very early every morning and fetch water from a neighbouring village.

Abono School WASH Project

Abono is a community with approximately 1,200 inhabitants, located in the Bosomtwe District in the Ashanti Region, about 7 kilometres from Kuntanase.

Ampaha School WaSH Project

In schools, WaSH projects are an important building block for positive behavioural changes in children with regard to hygiene. WaSH means: water, sanitation and hygiene. Access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation is of fundamental importance for the children in Ampaha.

Ntinanko water project

Ntinanko is a community of about 4,500 inhabitants, mainly inhabited by farmers. It is located in the Aminase East District in the Ashanti region.

A borehole for the village Adjei Akuraa

Adjei Akurra is a village of 215 inhabitants and has no access to safe drinking water.

WaSH project forSt. Michael Technical Institut

The St. Michaels Technical & Vocational Institut is an educational facility without adequate toilet facilities and no running water.

Tumiabu Water project

Tumiabu is located in the Bosome Freho District in the Ashanti region in Ghana and is a municipality, mainly inhabited by farmers, with around 1,100 inhabitants. Due to the constant overload, the well does not produce enough water for the village, so the villagers have to take water from ponds and rivers, which leads to diseases.

Worakese Water Project

The water project is going to provide safe and clean drinking water for more than 1800 people.

Apewu WaSH Project

Apewu is located in the Bosome Freho District in the Ashanti region in Ghana and is a municipality, mainly inhabited by farmers. Madamfo Ghana built a well here in 2004 that supplies the village with water. This well is now to be mechanized so that there is still enough clean water available and the teachers' accommodations also have access to the clean water.

Esreso Waterproject

More than 7,500 people have no access to clean drinking water and therefore fetch their water from polluted ponds or streams. The risk of water born diseases is very high. A mechanised water supply would be the solution.

Nosah Water Project

The village Nosah is located in the Tain District in the Brong Ahafo region and has about 1000 inhabitants. The community has to get its water from streams and rivers as there is no well. Water-related diseases are therefore not uncommon.

Atebubu Water Project

Water supply is a great challenge for the inhabitants of Atebubu. The people have to travel several kilometres every day to get water from a river. Besides the enormous distance and the high costs, this is of course also a problem from a hygienic point of view.

Dominase Waterproject

The community of Dominase is facing a major problem with the supply of drinking water. In fact, this community has only two wells, one of which is completely out of order. There is always pressure on the well’s borehole, so it often fails.

Kabile WASH Project

The village of Kabile has about 2000 inhabitants and is mainly inhabited by farmers, who grow crops only for their own consumption. With a so-called WASH project: Water - Sanitation - Hygiene, we would like to help especially the young girls and women in the village.

Debibi Water Project

The only well in the village is by far not enough and is also dilapidated and constantly broken. Then the people are forced to fetch water from streams and rivers, which exposes them to a high risk of disease.

Atobiase Water Project

The village has a big problem with the drinking water supply. One of the existing wells is constantly breaking down due to overloading. The people then get their drinking water from dirty streams and rivers, which carries a high risk of water-related diseases.

Korkyikrom Waterproject

The village of Korkyikrom is located in the Bosome Freho District of the Ashanti Region in Ghana, about 21 kilometres away from Kumasi.

Mechanized Water Supply Brodi

The water supply was very poor. There were only a couple of small water holes. To fetch water, the people had to walk great distances.

Attakrom Water Project

The village of Attakrom is located in Tain District in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. Probably 1,300 people live in the village and its surroundings.

Nyinpengya Water Project

Nyinpengya is a community with approximately 500 inhabitants in Tain District, about 5 kilometres away from Nsawkaw, the district’s capital. Most of the inhabitants are farmers.

Okutokrom water project

Okutokrum is located in Mfantseman District, Central Region of Ghana, about 12 kilometres away from Biriwa. Its approximately 650 inhabitants are mostly are farmers.

Gyeke Waterproject

Gyeke is a village located in Atwima Kwanwoma District in the Ashanti Region, approximately 18 kilometres away from Kumasi, the region’s capital.

Tafi Atome water project

Tafi Atome is a farming community with about 2,500 inhabitants. The community is very keen on ecotourism and enjoys an excellent reputation in that field.

Asarekrom Water Project

Asarekrom is located in Amanie West District which lies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, 20 kilometres from the region’s capital Kumasi.

Chichibon water project

Chichibon is located in Atwima Kwanwoma District of Foase-Atwime which lies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, about 12 kilometres from the region’s capital Kumasi.

Nwineso no. 1 water project

Nwineso No. 1 is located in Bosomtwe Atwima Kwanwoma District which lies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, about 20 kilometres from the region’s capital Kumasi.

Asisiriwa water project

Asisiriwa is located in Bosomtwi District which lies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, about 15 kilometres from Kuntanase, the district’s capital.

Onwe water project

Onwe primary school is located in Bosomtwe District which lies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.

Yamah water project

Construction of a waterpipeline, mechanized with solar energy that starts in Yamah and benefits Yamah and the surrounding villages with clean drinking water.

Adu Nwamase water project

Adu Nwamase is located in Atwima Kwanwoma District of Foase-Atwima which lies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, about 20 kilometres from the region’s capital.

Afrancho water project

Afrancho is a village in Atwima Kwanwoma district which lies in the Ashanti Region, about 14 kilometres from the region’s capital Kumasi.

Lakeside water project

Construction of a water pipeline that starts in Dompa and benefits Dompa and the villages Hantaase and Banso with clean drinking water.